Friday, October 31, 2008

Smarty Pants !

Jordi's first report card showed all A's & B's !! She received an Honor Roll Certificate !!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just Because I Love You !!

What a wonderful surprise !! Tshombe got home before I did and put a dozen roses along with a BEAUTIFUL card in our bedroom !! I asked him what the special occasion was and he said "Just because I Love You"!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.........

Thursday, October 23, 2008

There's No Place Like Home !

Jordan's elementary school had a fall festival for the kids. We had a fun time! Lots of games, prizes, food and even a spooky trail outside. As you can see, she wanted to be Dorothy this year -- and she made a very cute one !!

... climbing the rock wall ....

...laughing with Fran....

...Dorothy......... .......Dorothy & Toto

.... Too Cute !!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Superman !!

Well, well, every Superman has his Kryptonite and for Tshombe it is a non-detachable first base !! Two weeks ago today he slid into first base and injured his hand during a competitive round of softball. (I know he'd want me to tell the whole story so here it is..... he was on first base and the guy batting made a great hit but the shortstop made an even better catch -- so, he was caught running to 2nd base and he didn't want to be the last out so he ran back to first base, slid into it and was SAFE -- saving his team the last out, giving the 3rd baseman the opportunity to run home, and solving world peace !) ..... he played the rest of the game with this injured hand!
So, two weeks later (today)-- he went to see an Orthopaedic. The X-ray showed he broke his hand in two places along the outside metacarpal. ( TWO breaks !!) They took his blood pressure and it was a perfect 117 / 70 !!!
So, for TWO WEEKS my husband has been working 12 hour days with a broken hand, no pain medication, all while having perfect blood pressure --- Wow ! I really have married Superman !!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

OH, NO YOU DIDN'T .......

Well, it's taken me a few days to calm down ...."righteous indignation" I suppose. After finishing a lovely day with family and friends at the preserves, I walked to my car and found this note on my windshield.

I have an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on my car along side my LifeCoast Church bumper sticker.

I don't mind someone questioning my political party affiliations -- as a matter a fact, I welcome it -- it gives me a chance to debate (and all of you who know me -- one thing is for sure .... I love to argue --- ooops, I mean debate !!!!) But for someone to question my relationship with Jesus Friend... my Brother... my Peace..... my Protector.... my Redeemer.... my Love.... my All in All absolutely floors me !!!!!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY when my relationship with Him is questioned based solely on my preference of a political party.

So here's my heart........

We as a nation have begun a slippery slope as the Republican party "markets" themselves to the religious right (to gain votes, mind you) -- they've opened every venue of interpretation to mean that the Republican party platform is "Godly". Now the moderate out there may not get this but the Religious Right and those of us who attend church twice on Sundays and again on Wednesdays, whose lives revolve around our church family and whose lives focus on a relationship with God on a daily basis will understand what I'm about to write.

During both "W' Bush campaigns, our churches, MY church would walk the line on preaching "political" sermons. All incognito of course, since churches aren't allowed to support a candidate -- if they do, they lose their tax exemption status. So during the campaigns, I heard quite alot of sermons about the injustices of both abortion and gay marriage. (again, I agree - not because I'm full of hate and anger toward those who choose abortion or lead a gay lifestyle -- I don't agree with them simply because it's not God's best for them - it's not His way.) I always thought this was odd because prior to the elections I never heard sermons about these two issues. Nor did I hear sermons about the injustice of the death penalty or oppressing the middle-class (I still haven't ...I won't hold my breath) There was and still is an underlying, never spoken atmosphere that if you don't vote Republican, then you're going to Hell. As a matter of fact a Youth Pastor once confided in me that he thought we may be held in "judgement" for which party we voted for ---- was he "preaching" that to our youth ????

During Bush's campaigns, we were inundated with his personal salvation testimony -- which I'm very happy for him !!! However, he allowed his campaign to use this as a tactic to gain votes .... and that left a bad taste in my mouth. No other candidate used their personal testimony to gain votes. (Nor should they.) And thus began the ball rolling.... Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, PTL network all "campaigning" for Bush with the same underlying, never said message that if you don't vote Republican, you're going to Hell.
So, if you're the "moral"majority, you would have drawn the conclusion that no Democrat can be a Christian ! What a sad, sad, lie !!!!!!!!!! Here's the truth..... GOD IS NOT A DEMOCRAT NOR A REPUBLICAN ---- He's God ALL BY HIMSELF!!! AND not every Republican is a Christian nor is every Democrat an atheist liberal !!!!! It's time to stop putting God in a box -- He won't fit !!!

IF my Christianity is founded ONLY with the 2...two....T.W.O........... issues that I hear over and over again from the religious right (abortion and gay marriage), then I AM A SECURE CHRISTIAN. Why?? Because I DO NOT believe in abortion or gay marriage. I email my congressmen and state representatives at least once per month concerning these issues. (Florida - Senator Bill Nelson (D) & Senator Mel Martinez (R) / Pat Patterson (R) & William Proctor (R) )
The President canNOT overturn a decision made by the Supreme Court. Go to to find out what would have to happen for roe v wade to be overturned. It doesn't look likely !! Instead, we Christians should show our love and support for those women (and MEN) who find themselves in this situation. We should fund pregnancy crisis centers, we should fund adoption agencies, and we should support our foster care system. Yes, we Christians, should ACT like Christians and open our homes to foster care children and adopt some kids !!! That's a more accurate definition of PRO LIFE !! Instead, I see so many "Christians" ranting and raving outside abortion clinics -- yelling and screaming that they are going to hell. Come on, is that really what Jesus Would Do??

Each Party (Democrat & Republican) gets a "thumbs down" from me concerning Pro Life. My definition of "Pro Life" is anti-abortion, anti-war, anti-dealth penalty. Neither party is "PRO LIFE". Where the Democrats approve of a woman's right to choose, the Republicans approve of the death penalty and war. (NEITHER IS PRO LIFE !!) Sin is Sin. There is no heriarchy in it. Fighting for the social good of all is just as righteous as figting to ban abortion!!

And by the way, did you know that out of the 9 presiding Supreme Court Justices for Roe v Wade, 7 voted for and 2 voted against (Read the rest sitting down.....) 5 of those that voted "for" were appointed by a Republican president and 2 were appointed by a Democrat (from the two that voted against, one was appointed by a Republican President and the other from a Democrat)
Did you also know that in 1992, the Supreme Court ALMOST overturned roe v wade? The President at the time was Republican President, George H.W. Bush. The vote was split -- dead even -- so, the deciding vote was from Supreme Court Justice, Anthony Kennedy -- he voted AGAINST overturning roe v wade (he was appointed by Republican President, Ronald Reagan)
Again, proving that just because a Republican President is in office and appoints a judge, doesn't mean that judge will vote "conservative" -- even while a Republican President is in office.
I bet you didn't know that did you?? Not many do --- why?? Because you NEVER HEAR IT !!! It's always implied that "those liberals voted to get that roe v wade passed". Or you hear "the next President will appoint another Judge to the Supreme Court -- make sure it's a Republican 'cause they'll pick a "good" Judge". (apparently not -- if the first ruling was "for" Roe v Wade with a majority of Republican appointed judges !)
Listen, folks -- if roe v wade were ever overturned, abortions would still be legal. The issue would become a state issue just like it was before roe v wade. Abortions were never illegal in all states. Again, if you want to get rid of abortion, then you do it by developing relationships with these women and offer them security that you will be there for them, will help them financially, help them emotionally, just plain old help them -- it just doesn't seem many Christians are willing to do that !!! Instead the Christian talk shows bring on guests who sensationalize abortions and talk about how under Barack Obama all the babies will be killed ! All without saying that under Ronald Reagan, George H W Bush and George W Bush babies were being killed as well !! Obama is the only one I've heard say he wants to find common ground and decrease unwanted pregnancy. In June of 2008, he met with Christian leaders such as TD Jakes, Franklin Graham, Sam Rodriquez,Richard Cizik, Doug Kmiec and others. ( (bet you didn't know that either ! John McCain has yet to meet with them.)

Concerning Gay Marriage -- listening to both McCain and Obama, NEITHER party agrees with gay marriage -- but they both agree on "Civil Unions". So, both parties AGREE on this issue !!

(And don't get me started about "the right to bear arms" -- do they really think every person has the right to own AK 47s ???? And please don't give me that "guns don't kill people" excuse. I know people kill people. And because I know that, there should be laws regulating gun control ! Geeze !!)

So...... that leaves us with "other issues" like ... oh, I don't know, like the ECONOMY. We all know -- even the Republicans will confess that this is NOT their strong suit. And this is strictly my opinion..... but they know that without issues like Abortion or Gay Marriage -- they would never get voted into office.) I guess that's why they don't do anything about those issues while they are IN office -- oh, wait... they CAN'T do anything because those issues are STATE issues !!

If I had a penny for every time I heard a Christian Republican say to me ... "God is my provider not our government." I'd be a millionaire !!-- But God being our provider (which He is) doesn't mean we negate our responsibility to be fiscally sound. I also say to them " Well, God is also my protector -- so why go to war"???? (which opens up a whole other can of worms) I've been taught over and over again that Scripture is full of teachings about money. (tithing, offerings, generosity, investing, debt, sharing, etc) So, if God is concerned with economics shouldn't we be as well??

I, too, am a Christian and will vote my conscience...

I CAN NOT vote for a party who oppresses the middle class while the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. ("sharing" by the way is a Biblical concept !!)

I CAN NOT vote for a party who uses the "race card" to solicit votes. During this year's campaign (particularly recently) Obama's middle name keeps surfacing to evoke confusion and fear (by the way, confusion and fear are not from God). And while I'm on my soapbox...... concerning Barack Hussein Obama's name -- I know only one Barack (that would be the candidate) and one other "Hussein" (Sadam) and no other Obama ....... BUT I know of several serial killers named "John".... how about John Christie or John Wayne Gacey... so based on this criteria --- HIS NAME -- we best not vote for John McCain !!!! See how ridiculous this is ????? This is borderline racism at best -- I can't vote for that -- for obvious reasons --- particularly my daughter - how could I look her in the eye and say "It's ok, honey, John and Sarah aren't racist --- they're just trying to get votes from the racists - and well, you just have to do what you have to do." This isn't the America I want -- so, I won't vote for it.

  • My husband has a "funny" name -- God forbid that he is ever overlooked for a promotion or leadership position based only on his name. ( something he had no control over !!)
  • My husband is also black -- God forbid that he is ever overlooked for a promotion or leadership position based only on the color of his skin. (what a waste of talent !!)
And I CAN NOT vote for a party who continually divides this country in the name of God to stay in power while running it into the ground --- I JUST CAN'T DO IT because none of that seems "Godly" to me!!!!

Now, I'm not naive -- the Democratic party isn't "Godly" either --- and that's my point -- neither party represents God fully !! They can't - !!! THAT'S THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHURCH NOT THE GOVERNMENT !! The last I read, Christ was coming back for His bride - THE CHURCH not His bride - The Republican Party.

So my prayer is that the "religious" right become filled with the understanding of who God is and to do some research as to the role of government. You must realize that the President of the US is NOT just the President of the Christians -- he is the President of all !! Please stop judging, condemning, and being "legalistic" all in the name of God (isn't that what the Pharisees and Sadducees did? And didn't Christ rebuke them?)

So pray, pray, pray for whoever becomes President- regardless of party affiliation He will need our prayers! Surely, that's one thing we can agree on !

Look, folks -- anytime we vote or put our trust in another human being we are rolling the dice. The ONLY person we can put our trust in and know that we will never be hurt is Jesus Christ !


Creekside Festival

Today Jordan, Oreo, and I went to the Creekside Festival at the Princess Preserves. ( If you'd like to check out the preserves go to )
We had a very lovely day -- yes, lovely. Jordan, Oreo, and I arrived around 1:30 to find Tshombe (because we knew he hadn't had lunch and wanted to get him something.) And to our surprise, he had already packed up the Belk booth and spent the rest of the afternoon walking around with us.

Yes, we filled-up daddy's tummy!!! ( and his hand? he injured it in a softball game last Tuesday-- has he been to the doctor ??? nope -- "I'm a man!" - does this mean men don't break bones ?? -- some things, I'll never understand !!!!)

Here's our church booth -- they handed out free bottles of water and free face painting to everyone who wanted one or both !!

Here's part of the mid-way for the festival -- all sorts of venders and a "deep-south" atmosphere -- look at the trees!!

Authentic campsites and tee-pees from "back in the day" !!

This year's music was "blue grass" -- I'm not usually a fan -- but they really did it justice !!

Jordan picked out a pumpkin ..... and got to paint it !!

We walked down by the "preserves" and enjoyed the breeze as a banjo and fiddle player did an impromptu rendetion of "Good Ole Rocky Top" on the front porch of the preserves. (Instantly, I thought of Tennessee !!)

Here's Jordi and some of her BFFs being "southern belles". (I've already emailed these pics to their parents and we're "all in favor" of not letting them date until they're 35 !! -- ha ha)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fun In The Sun

A few photos of Jordi at tennis practice.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beach Baptism !!

Today was a special day -- Jordan was baptized !! The baptisms were conducted at the beach along with great food, fun, and fellowship !! Jordan was 1 of 26 people who were baptized today. There were over 200 people there cheering everyone on. The weather was great !!! There was a 60% chance of rain but it never did rain -- instead it was slightly cloudy (which kept the sun at a cool distance !) It was nearly perfect !! Pastors Mike and Jeff told the families of those being baptized that this was a family affair and if mom and dad wanted to be in the water with their kids, then go for it !! So, I took the video while Tshombe got to say, "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." He was sooooo proud and even shed a few tears of joy --- as did Jordan ( ...... and me ...... and Nana !!)

(isn't she cute !!)

Here's the video of her being baptized...

Here are all the people who were baptized !
(excep the two guys in the white shirts on the end --
They're the Pastors !!)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Chewy Time !!

Oreo has an internal clock -- every night....EEVVEERRYYY NNNIIIIGGGHHHTT -- at 9:00 pm she hops on our bed and chews on her "chewy" for about 30 minutes to an hour and then goes to sleep. It's like having a bottle -- she has a hard time going to sleep unless she has her "chewy" first -- I'M NOT KIDDING !!!!