Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Amazing Oreo keeps fit !!

Here is our dog, Oreo, she LOVES to swim !! We will occassionally find her swimming in the pool by herself !!! In this video, I happened to see the sunroom door open and as I got closer I saw that Oreo had let herself out to go swim in the pool...... alone !!!! lol !!!! I guess even dogs need a little "me" time !!! ;-)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Murals of Dothan

From cotton fields to downtown parades, from Ray Charles and legendary musicians, from military history to ladies of the South, Dothan’s stunning murals capture and showcase the pages of its history.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Proud Peanuts of Dothan !

Apparantly over 1/2 of all the peanuts produced in the US are grown within a 100 mile radius of Dothan, AL. So, to celebrate this fact, there are Proud Peanut statues all over town !

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 3rd of July !!

Since Tshombe has to work tomorrow, we decided to celebrate the 4th a day early. We even bought a new grill !! (Well, we HAD to buy a new grill 'cause the moving company wouldn't pack it and it was too big for any of the cars. So....... )

Here's Tshombe putting the grill together.

Ta Da !! Men and their toys !

Good Grief !! It looks like we're feeding an army ..... it's just us !!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Water World !!

We went to a church picnic at Water World tonight !!

Jordan invited a friend and had a great time on the slides !!

Good grief, she's growing up !!

Jordi and Georgie !

Heading to the "Great White" !!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!"

They survived !!

Meanwhile, I tried to get a tan !!