Friday, May 28, 2010

Shout Out to Jordan !!! 4.0 Grade Point Average

Thursday, May 27th marked the last day of school.
The last day of 6th grade.
The last day of Pod B.
The last day of waking up at 5:00 am.
The last day of catching the bus.
The last day of homework for 3 hours.
The last day of uniforms.
The last day of lugging the French Horn.
The last day.
(...until next year)

Jordan's school held a special ceremony for all the 6th graders who made all A's or all A's/B's for the entire school year.

Jordan graduated from 6th grade with a 4.0 grade point average.
A 4.0 folks! Way to go, Boo !!
I'm starting to wonder if I brought the wrong kid home from the hospital? She didn't get this from me !! LOL

Monday, May 17, 2010

Water Balloon Fight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday was just too hot not to do something watery! So, I thought we'd have a water balloon fight..... 'cause that's how my mind works.

Jordan filled 28 balloons with water..... and the floor and counters but that's not the point.

We had a water balloon fight to end all water balloon fights!

Even Oreo was in on it!

But as usual, I was the one who got it in the end..... literally!
Happy Summer everyone!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Ten Things I’ve Learned From My Mother….
1. Sleep IS Important!
Sleep IS important and if anyone knows my mother, they know it’s a priority with her. I used to tease her about her sleeping… until I had a child of my own and went without it. Sleep depravation is torture and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. So I’ll take the signals from her and get a good night’s sleep.
(And if I can, I’ll throw in a nap while I’m at it!)

2. Cleaning The House Can Wait!
Now, you know me, I like a tidy house. She does too but the difference is that she has this uncanny ability to drop house work at a moment’s notice for something fun – she can actually stop in the middle of washing a load and go to the movies ! I, on the other hand, will say no to the movies because I have wash to do. (It’s a sickness, I know) If you ask me about my childhood memories, I really don’t remember mom making house cleaning a priority – even though the house was always comfortable. But I do remember her whisking me out to go shopping or to the park or to go feed the ducks or go visit friends or try out a new restaurant or go see a play. Yes, having a tidy house is important but through her I see that the moments we spent together were the most important ones.

3. Always Be Prepared!
Alright, I can’t help but smile! My mother loves being prepared. I remember visiting relatives in Wisconsin or South Carolina and the car would be packed from hood to trunk! She’d have 1 sometimes 2 coolers packed with sandwiches, snacks, chips, shnecks, cokes – she’d bring her own pillows and blanket and for us kids she’d have a bag (or 2) filled with coloring books, crayons, bubbles, and word search puzzles. We’d complain while we were trying to pack it into the car, we’d complain when our legs fell asleep because we were so cramped …. But after about the first hour, we’d be singing praises to her name over the chocolate covered raisins and root beer!

4. Getting Out Of The House Brings New Perspective!
It’s true, getting out of the house can bring a whole new perspective to any situation. When I was young and complained of being bored, she’d say” go outside and play” …. And viola! My boredom was gone. In my teens I’d be tense about a test or interview and she’d say “go see a friend”… and viola! My nerves were gone. During my “new mother” years, I’d be fretting over finances or my future and she’d say “go for a walk”…. And viola! The fretting was gone. It’s true, getting out of the house brings a whole new perspective! (maybe that’s why God told Abraham to go (outside) and look at the stars ---- it’s all about perspective)

5. Sometimes Just Being There Is Enough!
I’ve learned that during a crisis I don’t have to have all the answers -that I don’t have to offer sweet sympathies or a plan on what to do next – I don’t even have to bring a covered dish. There have been times in my life where all I had was mom holding my hand ….and that was enough!

6. Courage – Do It Afraid!
John Wayne once said that courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway. This quote reminds me of my mom. She is one of the most courageous women I know! Surviving divorce … with grace I might add! working single mother , mentor, counseling friends, speaking engagements, “live” television with the local TV fundraisers, speaking up for those who couldn’t speak for themselves such as Amanda & Krystal, fostering kids, CASA worker, housing family in need, crawling up the stairs with a broken ankle, writing payroll checks in the hospital bed, standing for truth when noone else would – and all this while raising a daughter who at times could really be a handful! making the right decision to have Shadow & Radar put to sleep, selling her house, selling her belongings, moving to Macon, GA at age 62, moving to Palm Coast, FL at age 63, moving to Dothan, AL at age 64, having cataract eye surgery, and on and on and on ... Wow, she sure is brave!

7. Be Grateful-Say Thank You!
Mom has always been a stickler about saying “thank you”. A simple “thanks” goes a long way. It is the polite thing to do. It is the smart thing to do. It is the right thing to do. “Thank You.”

8. Be Generous!
O. My. Gosh! Mom is the most generous person I’ve ever met. I’ve seen her open her house to foster kids and family members. I’ve seen her give her clothes and belongings away and I’ve seen her give money to total strangers on more than one occasion. When I asked, “what if that person spends it on drugs” she answered “ I don’t have any responsibility with what they do with it. My only responsibility is to obey God with what He wants me to do with it.” -- WOW!

9. Family Always Comes First!
Well, one thing is for certain – mom loves family! She loves family traditions (brats and German potato salad). She loves family get-togethers and if anyone or anything tries to get in the way of her family, she simply won’t allow it. Family comes first!

10. God Is In Control – Trust Him!
Well, I should say that family comes second ‘cause God comes first! Mom always taught me that no matter what, God is in control and we can trust Him wholeheartedly! I’ve seen Him provide for when there seemed to be no way, I’ve seen Him calm her during heavy storms, I’ve seen Him comfort her in times of trouble, I’ve seen Him fill her heart with joy and hope , I’ve seen Him give her strength when others would have collapsed, I’ve seen Him give her wisdom, I’ve seen Him give her peace beyond understanding, I’ve seen God through my mom!

Thanks mom for being there for me and for being a great example!
I love you!! Happy Mother’s Day 2010 JoAnne