Each year, Carver Magnet school selects students who have exhibited strong study skills, character, and communication. This year Jordan was one out of 35 students who was asked to participate in the Southeastern Mock United Nations Model at Troy University in Troy, AL.
From our school alone, we had a team that represented Korea....
a team representing Haiti....
a team representing China ...
a team representing Hungary ( Jordan's team )
and a team representing India.
Close to 200 middle schools participated and Carver Magnet placed as follows:
Outstanding Resolution: Winner-Hungary; 1st place-India // Outstanding Delegation: 1st place-India; 3rd place-Hungary // Outstanding Girl Delegate: 1st place- Juhi Shah - India // Outstanding Native Dress (Overall): 1st place-India // Outstanding Native Dress (by Bloc):Asian Bloc: Winner-India; 3rd place-Republic of Korea // European Bloc: 2nd place-Hungary //Latin America Bloc: 1st place-Haiti
If you'd like to read more about this event, click here: http://www.troymessenger.com/2011/03/03/model-the-un/