Monday, April 28, 2008

An Ode To Oreo, By Jordan

This is a picture of a picture that Jordan drew of our dog, Oreo !! Jordan is in the 4th grade and learning sooooooo much more than I did in the 4th grade. All I remember is fractions and counting money. Jordan is learning things like..... couplets, odes, acroustic poems, bio-poems, cinquain poems -- and that's just in writing class!!!! Anybody know the meanings of these ????? ha ha

She wrote an ode to Oreo, our Boston Terrier. Here it is .......


My puppy, Oreo, is a Boston Terrier.

She is jet-black and pearl-white.

Oreo has coffee brown eyes

that sparkle at a distance.

She is crazy like a monkey

trying to get a juicy banana.

But, she's sweet like a new-born

wanting to cuddle and snuggle

in its loving mother's arms.

Also, she eats like a starving pig

wanting food.

She runs so fast that

her two back legs

look like she is flying.

When she sleeps,

she's like a hibernating bear,

snoring away nestled on her pillow.

But, my favorite thing about her

is that she is my snuggle buddy !

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