Thursday, July 1, 2010

NASA Sponsored Science and Technology Day Camp

Troy University - located in Troy, AL - also has a campus where we live.

And for the past 2 weeks, Jordan has participated in a day camp at their Science and Technology Building. This day camp was sponsored by NASA to inspire the next generation in the field of Engineering.

On the first day, Jordan felt a little intimidated by all the big buildings and hallways and rooms. She was a little nervous but also very excited.

There were 40- 6th grade students who attended. Each one was given a 3 page test asking all sorts of questions about computers. The top 10 scores were separated from the rest and allowed to disassemble and reassemble a computer. Jordan was one of those 10 students.

Here we see the Professor teaching the various parts of a desk top computer.

By day 2, Jordan was a pro and felt right at home.

To everyone's surprise, the Professor handed each child a laptop computer and tool box.

She learned the various components such as LCD screen - Hard Drive - Optical Drive - RAM chips - DC power Board - Wireless/3G internet card - Speakers - Keyboard - Trackpad/Touchpad - Battery - Logic Board...... *blink* *blink* (are you as confused as I am ?)
On the last day of camp, they held a webinar that featured one of the NASA Engineers. The kids got to ask him questions and such.

Here's the kicker !!!!!! ........ they got to keep the computer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For free !!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Free LapTop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God is Goooooood !!!

Congrats Jordan !!

1 comment:

b_e_small said...

1. FREE LAPTOP!!! Oh My GOSH!!! That's fanTAStic!

2. "LCD screen - Hard Drive - Optical Drive - RAM chips ..." I know what those mean (nyah nyah), but please tell Jordan I need some help renewing my DHCP lease before I reload my NetBIOS cache and register the DNS. She'll know what I mean. ;^D

3. Jo, I'm so proud of how you mother Jordan. I can only imagine what that would have been like to have a parent so involved in my life. So glad for both of you that you invest so much in nurturing her. Love you much!