Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SMILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The time has come... braces!!!  Jordan has an underbite. The ortho said it was one of the worst bites to have because it causes so much stress on the joints of the jaw, can cause arthritis and TMJ.  He also said that underbites were hereditary.  But I don't know of anyone in my family or her dad's that had an underbite.  Soooo, he did another x-ray to look at the developing jaw bones.  In a nutshell, he wants to go conservative -- braces only.  Her jaw won't stop growing until she's 18 and then we'll see how much (if any) it has grown.  If it's still growing, they'd consider surgery.  But he's 85% sure that since there's no family history, that when Jordan's baby teeth came in her top teeth came in directly on top of her bottom teeth.  And so her bottom jaw jutted out so that it would be more comfortable.  Sooooo, here we go !!!!  LOL !!  Jordan's excited ! But since she doesn't have insurance it looks like getting a new car is getting farther and farther down the road ... but I spose sacrifice is part of being a good parent :-)

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