Monday, August 16, 2010


Jordan's birthday started off with a morning blueberry Kuchen. I know that may not mean much to you, but in our home, the blueberry Kuchen is sacred. Sacred I tell you !!

It's time to open the presents ! Oreo gave her a cute card !

And this year, all the presents fit neatly into envelopes... that were scattered all through the apartment...

out on the backporch...

in Nana's bathroom ...

underneath her bed...

and even in the freezer !!

Each envelope had some cash -- cold cash !!

let's see that face again ! Happy Birthday, Boo!


So, where would a 13 year old want to go first to spend her birthday money? The mall? The movies? How about getting her nails done? ..... Nope.......

She wanted to go to the wig store.... yep, you read that right.... the wig store. She wanted to see how she'd look with black hair.....

So, the first one was crazy short with purple hi-lights....

Hey, look! It's Pat Benatar !!
Next was the long black hair..... the store owner was at the cash register and yelled from accross the room " NO, NO, that's too sexy ..... NO NO !!" ... ( It takes a village !!!)
How about bleach blonde? ..... uhhhhh, no!
Short and curley -- maybe ?
Well, now we're on to something --- toooooo cute !!
After our fun trying on different haristyles, we walked next store to the pet shop....

where we fell in love with the baby turtles...

and where I may have to get Oreo's next outfit.

Next was the marathon shopping, I still wish I had worn different shoes. Payless Shoes, Dillards, Aeropostale, Hot Topix, Claire's, Bath & Body Works, Sweet and Sassy's........and icecream.
Happy Birthday Boo !!!
(I'm going to bed.)

Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day of 7th Grade

Sorry bout the picture -- my lens fogged up -- it's 96 degrees out with high humidity -- can you tell? Anywho, Jordi started school today looking sharp! She came home full of hope and excitement and then took a 3 hour nap!! lol

Smile! You're On Candid Camera !

I found my digital camera. It's been buried underneath some scrapbooking supplies for the last 6 months. I turned on the camera and reviewed the pictures.

This is what I found.......

HILARIOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Prometheum Boards for Carver Magnet School!

Jordan attends Carver Magnet School and last night was their open-house. After we met her teachers, Senator Harri Anne Smith presented a $12,000 check to the school for the purchase of 4 new Prometheum Boards-- Awesome ! Here's the news link if you're interested