Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Sweetie Pie

My Sweetie Pie :-)


These pics were taken in the hall during school.

I think they're having a great time in HighSchool :-)

Sleeping Beauty

Sunday, August 26, 2012


O.M.Gawed!!!  I almost cried when I saw her in her ROTC uniform.  Good grief!
I, mean, really ??? 

First Day of Highschool

First Day of HighSchool -- 9th grade!
Of course, she couldnt' go by herself ...
so we picked up her BFF..
My daughter from another mother.
OOOooo, AAaahhhh ... High School.
And to add to the suspense, a tree had been papered.  Jordi had the usual nerves but when she came home, she called and said she had a great time and loved it !

Our Last "Hoorah" Before School Starts

I surprised Jordan by waking her up at 3:00 am to watch the sunrise at Panama City Beach.  One last "Hoorah" before school starts... Before HIGHSCHOOL begins... Before she goes to prom... Before she goes off to college... Before she gets married and has children...... can you tell I'm having a wee bit of trouble processing the thought of her starting highschool?

Oreo loves the beach !  Especially when we bring her blanket.  She likes to hang out and watch everybody and everything.

Hey, look... Oreo to go !

We had a great time!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fans for Life

Fans for Life radio event for the elderly.
So, I'm a firm believer that you can bloom where you are planted because with Christ ALL things are possible ;-)

Last Friday, I was driving around town handing out Loyaly Discounts ( that'll be a different blog post ;-)  and while driving around I was listening to my favorite radio station JOYFM.  During a commercial they promoted a "Fans for Life" event.

Apparently, the heat has been horrendous for the elderly who don't have family to help them and the means of keeping cool.  So, they were asking for boxed fans to help these people.  When I got back to the office, I emailed mgt if they'd like to donate some fans.  And the next thing I knew, we had a $500.00 budget and 30 boxed fans to pick up from WalMart !!!

Christie, Administrator, and I dropped the fans off at the radio station -- they. were. thrilled !  They took pictures and kept saying what a blessing these fans will be.  I also made flyers "Sunny With A Chance of Heatstroke" that outlined the dangers, prevention, and help with heat exhasustion that will be handed out to each family who gets a fan. 

You never can tell what might happen if you follow the Lord --  He's alot of fun !!

I Won the T-Shirt Contest

Each year, we get a company polo shirt that each staff member wears on Fridays for "Casual Friday".  This year, the providers had a T-Shirt design contest. The challenge was to design a T-Shirt that reflects PrimeCare.  There were 18 enteries and mine won !!

Mgt sent out a company wide email congratulating me, posted my design by the timeclock and gave me a $25 visa giftcard.  Yeah, me !!

The shirts are being made this week.  Everyone will start wearing them this Friday.... fun!!