Monday, November 24, 2008

"Just Being Neighborly"

Ok, I don't know why I think this is so funny but I do !! Two weeks ago, I was walking Oreo and just happened to walk past one of our neighbors who was doing some yard work. I innocently made a comment on how nice his yard always looks which sparked an in-depth discussion about various types of grass seeds, weed killers and pesticides. He then pointed to a row of banana trees that outlined his yard and made a few comments about them. Trying to be polite to an elder, I intently listened to him and privately hoped this conversation would come to an end since Oreo had yet to do her "business" and I certainly didn't want her doing her "business" in his nice, manacured lawn ! Well, two weeks later (today) he came with a gift !! He had dug up one of his banana trees, put it into a rolling trash can, hauled it a half a block to our doorstep and proudly said it was ours !! I oohed and aaaahed and said thank you profusley and then Jordan & I planted it in the back yard........ what else could we do ?????

1 comment:

"Max Whale" said...

taking it with you to AL?? :-)