Saturday, November 29, 2008


Jordan made indian pins from walnuts (great idea, Nana !!) for everyone to wear in honor of the Thanksgiving history.

Tshombe's family came for Thanksgiving !! They traveled from Shreveport, LA; Birmingham, AL, & Mt. Dora, FL. We had a full house and we loved it !!! I know that we are to be thankful everyday; however, spending Thanksgiving with family & friends somehow makes the day extra special !!

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours !!

The Madden Challenge !!

Alright, boys will be boys (and in this case.... men will be boys, too !! ha ha) We had 5 preteen and teenage boys along with two uncles who challenged each other to a PS2 Madden Football "tournament". They had 3 tv's going with this challenge. DJ, the youngest player (age 11), won the tournament !!!! He earned the title "Uncle Slayer" !!

Games for everyone at Thanksgiving !!

There's nothing like a little "friendly" competition and my family sure loves it !! We had a good round of Scrabble and Sorry and Madden Football .... and those were just the "inside games" !! The kids played football, hi-li, ring toss, and bowling outside !!! It was a beautiful day and we all had a good time !!

Oreo Has Fun at Thanksgiving !

One of the young boys brought a laser pen light that showed a small ,round, red dot when pointed at something ...... Oreo LOVED it !! We got a good laugh watching her chase it. Now we know what to get her for Christmas !! (Finally a toy that she can't destroy !!)

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Just Being Neighborly"

Ok, I don't know why I think this is so funny but I do !! Two weeks ago, I was walking Oreo and just happened to walk past one of our neighbors who was doing some yard work. I innocently made a comment on how nice his yard always looks which sparked an in-depth discussion about various types of grass seeds, weed killers and pesticides. He then pointed to a row of banana trees that outlined his yard and made a few comments about them. Trying to be polite to an elder, I intently listened to him and privately hoped this conversation would come to an end since Oreo had yet to do her "business" and I certainly didn't want her doing her "business" in his nice, manacured lawn ! Well, two weeks later (today) he came with a gift !! He had dug up one of his banana trees, put it into a rolling trash can, hauled it a half a block to our doorstep and proudly said it was ours !! I oohed and aaaahed and said thank you profusley and then Jordan & I planted it in the back yard........ what else could we do ?????

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's All About The Candy !!

On Friday, Jordan's school allowed the kids to dress in their costumes. This was taken before school out on our front walkway.

That night, she and a friend walked the neighborhood and really racked up on the candy !! Her basket was FULL !! (and Tshombe has been enjoying it !)

Oreo got to go with two of her BFF's !! Pumpkin went as a pumpkin and Buddy went as a Bumblebee !!

Oreo went as a ladybug !!

Our "Mr. Potato Head" pumpkins.