Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Surgery Day

Here's Jordi in her robe. She said she felt "awkward" being in it and was very self-aware ! It was pretty funny !

Getting her vitals checked.

Silly girl !!! We were in a waiting area without tv or any type of "entertainment" for 2 hours. Sooooo, we played thumb war, and told stories. She was in a good mood for someone about to have surgery. She wondered what "flavor" the anesthesia would be. She hoped they had cherry but wondered if they had "mother". I asked what she meant and she said, "You know, the smell of mother. That would help me relax." ha ha The patient next door to us overheard her and started laughing !

Off to surgery ! Jordan said, "see you in a few, mom!"

Jordi in the recovery room. She was freezing !! She did great !! I knew she was fine because the first thing she said to me was that she was hungry :-)

After a 3 hour nap, she was as good as new..... sort of !

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