Saturday, September 25, 2010

The World Map

Jordan came home from school, wiggin out a little bit about her homework.  Her Social Studies teacher had given the class a map where they had to fill in the names of the places.  And wouldn't you know, we didn't have internet access.  So, while Jordi was wiggin out, she had this epiphany "Mom!!  Where's that big world map we used to have?"

After some thought, I remembered I'd put it under the bed -- cause that's where world maps go ... right?

Ooooohhhh, Aaahhhhh...... the world map!
(Hey, look, Oreo's sittin on top of the world--lol)

Who says we need all this fancy technology to learn and live??  Seems to me the "old ways" work just fine ;-)

Now, where are the British Isles??  Anyone? Anyone?

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